Wednesday, April 8, 2009

great Eva news

Goodness things have been crazy around the Beckcom house, Evan is growing up so fast and every time I look at him my heart breaks. Today we went ice skating grrrr forgot the camera although I am sure the pics would be no good. Him and I standing in the same spot for 30 min. falling over each other hmmmm still made for a good afternoon.
I had an interview today YEAH I am excited about it, something to do while I am finishing my masters who knows :) It went really well and it is close i.e. NOT TULSA OK god almighty how did I ever drive 2 hours to and from work each day for 2 years??? I look back on it now and even though I loved the job, never seeing my family, dropping 40 lbs, and working 60+ hrs a week nearly killed me.
The adoption front it AMAZING I am sooo excited about the news I have, I called the agency yesterday and they said our wait time was only 6-9 mo. AHHHHHHH I cannot believe that Eva could be here by Christmas, most likely not because I am lagging on some paper work but it COULD happen! If I get this job then she will for sure be home by Christmas. We are also considering more moderate special needs kids, there are just so many kids available that need mommies that arent "perfect" in the eyes of others. I cannot do a child with a severe handicap or mental handicap, however we are looking into Downs and the more I read, the more I am open to the idea. We shall see I know when I see her I will know and that is all that matters.
Last week we went to Colorado for a week fun times, toured a few breweries, saw a friend, ate some AMAZING sushi flown in fresh that morning from Japan best sushi EVER got some great vintage outfits, and enjoyed getting away. We got to stay at Ethan's uncles cabin which is amazing right out side of Boulder we are for sure going to have to make another trip with the family to that place.

I guess that is about all, I know I have been a bad blogger lately but it seems as though I have no time? Being a mommy is a hard job and I am always so tired I just don't know what to do with myself :) Hope all is well bloggers!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

never ending

Hello all in never never land, since it seems like forever until Eva gets here I am loosing my mind. Great things are happening though for instance tomorrow I leave for my pre vacation vacation....yeah I know I am weird but it really is. We are going to Colorado to mess around and prepare for our trip to Peru this summer, since I am not ready to climb Machu Picchu we are going to Co. to get ready :) Ok ok that is just an excuse to make it ok for me to be taking to many vacations so close together but what the heck whatever gets me through the night right.

We leave in 5 hours and I cannot sleep and we are driving so I shouldnt be here but I am and since my update is 4 months behind I reallly needed to do this. The schedule consist of 5 breweries, the Denver mint, a few amazing restaurants, an hour massage already booked ;), a few hikes, a trip to my uncle in laws cabin, maybe some skiing, and of course shopping! I am very much ready for a vacation, it was after our last vacaton the life took a slow climb downwards so I am hoping that after this vacation it will start back upwards.

We are atleast a year away from getting Eva and her room is looking more and more like a girl tot's princess haven! I have he cutest bedding and am trying to make her a tutu bed skirt but the key word it trying :) Evan is ready as well he is growing like a weed it makes me so sad, he never cuddles with me anymore and is always trying crazy stunts. I swear he says the smartest things, he saw and evangelical (sp) church the other day and shouts out "that spells me" it was so funny but even more smart! I love that kiddo, he is starting soccer this summer so I will be an official "soccer mom" but not in so many words. He is already so darn good, but I must admit the main attraction for soccer is the energy it takes because mommy needs a little break from the all day go go go. I could work out all day long and still have more energy then I do after a day with him. Anywho I better hit the sack for the 12 hour drive tomorrow ughhh the only bad part about this vacation is the drive :) I will try and update you guys more on my life, until then goodnight all!

Monday, November 10, 2008

The journey has changed

Well after much consideration, we have decided to go with Hong Kong. I know it is such a big change but it is worth it to us because of the children in need there. It looks like now that the China program is on a 6 year wait, everyone is going to Taiwan and there arent as many children needing homes. In Hong Kong however, there are so many especially older children that need a family. All of the children there have special needs but that is what we were hoping for anyways, all children deserve to be loved no matter what "special need' they have.
NOW on to my weekend events....EVAN IS 3 now!!! We had his birthday yester afternoon although his real birthday is today and he had such a blast. He was so excited about all of his presents that he could not open them fast enough! Some people may think I am crazy but we do not buy him any presents unless it is his birthday or Christmas as to not spoil him :) so this was an extra special day for him.
He ended up getting a new bike ahhhh, a fire truck, 4 new movies, a spider man race car, tons of spiderman gear, a t.v and dvd player for his room, and a tool set. He received a few other things but I cant remember right now. I have gotta run more updates and pics soon to follow, I saw there were two bloggers babies coming home from overseas this week my prayers are with you all.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Days a getting few

Well today I am at home again, still waiting to start my new job but not at all in any hurry! We (Evan and I) have been watching Dora and Diego everyday when we wake up 4 shows total, 2 of each. Today is no different but after this we plan on going to the park to ride bikes. Tomorrow we have a meeting with our SW which is exciting because we get to see all the newest children available and their SN so that is something to look foward to!
Evan has been so amazing lately, he is so expressive lately getting down on the floor , looking at me all lost and saying "MOMMY, WHAT R YOU DOONING?". He just says the smartests things all the time. He was asked to be involved in a word psych test at the university to see how he associates words and such, I know he will rock!
I have been updating my blog on my phone so I dont really get the chance to add photos and such but will asap. This weekend we are going to get all ready for halloween and carve pumpkins. I have been telling Evan about it for weeks and he is super ready. Then the weekend after this is pretty uneventful but the next is Evans 3rd birthday at Jumpzone. It is a huge building with all those inflatable thingies in it but they are huge, the best part, PARENTS CAN PLAY TOO. I really must admit I enjoy it almost as Evan they have a 20 ft slide and you can really gain speed on that thing. Evans cousin had his party there and we go once every other week since May it is a blast and so calming.
We did finally get the garage cleaned out and had our anniversary dinner, pics to come soon! I am just so ready for the holidays in our new house, I feel like we can actually celebrate them now that we have a place! Besides Evan is grasping the concept of having a tree for Christmas and the pumpkin for halloween which he did not last year. We are having the whole family up to our place for Thanksgiving and Christmas so I will really enjoy cooking for everyone!
I guess that is all for now I will update after our meeting tomorrow.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Another day....

Well this weekend the boys are our of town; Ethan is camping "guys weekend", Evan is at his "yaya's" and Moses is at my Grandmas so it really is just me. Thankfully saturday night(tonight) is girls movie night so I am alright there.
Last night I watched an adoption journey video and it made me really realize how much I am so ready for Lillian to be here already and today I want clothes shopping for her. I got the cutest little spring Gap dress it is sooooo precious. I cannot wait for her to get here, although we did hit a little snag last week. Our agency said that we could not adopt out of birth order and there had to be a year gap between the two but we got it all sorted out and we are meeting with them next week to talk through our options.
Other then that I dont really have an update yet I am just running around getting all the paperwork done right now so that once I start working it will be easy to just send it in. For example PASSPORT I did not even realize that mine expires next December and since I dont really have any international trips planned till June I better get it done now. Besides it still has my maiden name on it so I needed a new one anyways. Also my marriage certificate is gone??? no clue where it may have ran off to but I have to order another one of those so just little stuff.
We also have to get all of our INS stuff done fingerprints, x-rays, bloodwork ahhhh so exciting but it all come with paperwork so that is my journey until Thanksgiving and then CRUNCH TIME.

I am just so excited that I cannot even type correctly so pardon the mistakes in advance, I am sure you all know what I am going through I just wish it was here already. Hope to have a better update soon but I have a 3 year old birthday coming soon and Thanksgiving so we will just have to see what happens.....


Monday, October 6, 2008

trying not to spill the beans

Well this weekend was the most fun I have had in ages, we actually had a very fun but lazy weekend. We went to pestos on friday night, this very eclectic place in Fayetteville...If your ever in the area check it out and order the self titled pizza yummy. We got to see our friends Adam and Brandi our travel buddies and got to hear their great news, a new trip being planned for Peru next June. It will be number 2 on our list right behind pay off the rest of the adoption fees. For you non adoptive folks on here, they just keep coming and coming no matter what there is always more. I have faith that we will have the entire adoption paid off by then for sure, I just haveto buckle down and NOT GO SHOPPING.
I was so excited this weekend because it was such a fun few days that I just wanted to tell everyone that we are doing al this but I had to stop. Ethan and I talked about it and we know exactly how we want to tell his parents. If we can wait till the referral that would be best so we can have a photo but I dont think I can keep a secret that long!
Evan had a blast at his cousins 3rd birthday it is crazy to think that his is just a short 3 weeks away. He is growing up way to fast and so independent I just hate it. Annie and Bryan were up this weekend as well we grabbed some lunch and coffee but they had family plans so that was kinda a bummer. They are such awesome people I just wish they would move here already then we could see them all the time.....wait then the might find out that I am a goof ball and never talk to E again :)p
It is super late and I should be in bed, busy day tomorrow....JOB INTERVIEW. The summer has come to an end but we had such a great time hanging out together, Evan and I. I just wish I could do it every summer but I am ready to be back at work so we have the memories. The boys are all asleep so I should take a que and hit the sack, maybe 3 boys in the house is wearing on me!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Ok well today I spoke with a lady from DHS and was able to acquire some info on my homestudy! She said that they do homestudies at a very minimal cost through the state if you are employed with the state.....this is perfect because Ethan is.

I was about to ( within a month) have to shell out nearly $1500.00 for a homestudy but after hearing this I am so excited. Also when I start my new job I am going to add legal insurance to my benefits for $30 or so a month and that will cover all my legal expenses. For any of you reading this that are adopting, you may look into this with your employer it can save THOUSANDS OF MOOLA. Especially since the end of the year is coming and you can re sign for insurance plans! Just a thought...

As for my day, I took Evan out of school today and we had a fun day. He even got TWO cookies ahhhh crazy huh :) we went to lunch, jump zone- to find out it was closed, and watched Shrek, got to color with paint (big deal for a 3 yr old) and even snuck a 2 hr. nap in! Evan is also staying home tomorrow to go eat lunch with his Mimi and Baba!

I hope I can say I have a completed homestudy within the next month!!

I almost forgot I finally got a hold of a organizer for our huge annual bike rally, and I think I got a booth to ask for donations at! This event is huge, bringing in nearly 600,000 extra people to the area. If anyone wants to help man the booth when I cant to help bring home an amazing little girl from Taiwan, call me we need every little bit of help.
Good night and hope to have great news on the next addition.
Good after noon Lilli bean!
Mommy Beck
p.S. I had to put this pic up of the critter, our 3 year old who want a yister for his birthday!!
